Promises Made, Promises Kept

The Issues

Aberdeen's stable and smart growth has been the result of ...

Stabilizing Our Municipal Tax Rate


By expanding Aberdeen’s ratable base through abandoned property redevelopment and by streamlining municipal government operations, the Aberdeen Forward Team was able to deliver an actual tax reduction to current Aberdeen residents in 2020 and 2021.

Modernizing Utilities to Protect Our Waters

Keeping their campaign promises, the Aberdeen Forward Team ensured construction of the Woodfield Sewer Project to deliver sewers to Aberdeen’s last remaining septic neighborhood and to protect the Lake Lefferts/Raritan Bay watershed.

Protecting Our Open Space

Our guiding principle in moving Aberdeen Forward has been to prevent the destruction of our remaining woodlands and farmlands. Keeping their campaign promises, the Aberdeen Forward Team prevented a 1,000-unit development and preserved 250+ acres of woodlands to create the Freneau Woods County Park off Monastery Lane.

Removing Eyesores From Our Town

The Aberdeen Forward Team demolished the abandoned Anchor Glass factory in Cliffwood, remediated the contaminated South River Metals site in Strathmore, and demolished the abandoned Zobel Paint factory behind our Train Station. These re-developments raised property values for surrounding residents and replaced these eyesores with attractive 21st Century buildings.


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Using new revenue from re-development projects, the Aberdeen Forward Team has doubled the pace of Aberdeen’s Road Replacement Program since 2015. Aberdeen is now re-paving and/or replacing Township streets in every neighborhood, with more to come as the program reaches full potential.

Renewing Our Parks & Recreational Facilities

The Aberdeen Forward Team restored Cliffwood Beach and created the new Veteran’s Memorial Park in 2017, and with our new Aberdeen Neighborhood Parks Program, we have pledged to renovate all of our Township's “neighborhood parks” in coming years.